Live for today, but makes sure you have fun and smile along the way. Look for the joy in everything, even if you have been there a thousand times.
Saturday, December 29, 2007

Friday, December 21, 2007
Merry Christmas Bloggers
It was amazing being there. This is apparently something that is done every year and it is a well orchestrated thing with carpark attendants and road cones etc.
Temple View where the Temple is is an amazing little area and one place I will go back to explore more in the daylight.
Merry Christmas
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Christmas Parade
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Bathroom Walls

Christmas House Tour

Monday, December 17, 2007
Christmas House Tour
Although I am impressed that I had the tree up so early this year, it has been there at least 2 weeks. I have so many plans for next year, things I would like to buy over the next few years to start having some Christmas traditions of our own as a family, or more things I will do each year and the boys will remember that they always had it!
So Merry Christmas to you and yours. May you have wonderful glorious times with your families and friends and may 2008 bring you some of your hopes and wishes.
To go and find out more about the tours of other peoples house at this joyous time then slip on over to here and enjoy the sights of Christmas.
Don't forget to leave a comment so I can skip over to your house to have a wee look.
Boys and Their Toys
Blogger House Tours for Christmas

Saturday, December 15, 2007
The Missing Drink?
Although I was beginning to wonder whether Steve was guzzling down a bottle a day as we seemed to go through it quite quickly.
After hanging some washing on the line in the garden I came in to find the following sight and to finally discover where all the Pepsi had been going!
What is he doing in the fridge?
Drinking Pepsi!
Now I know where it has been going!
Consequently now another thing we have to watch Alex closely for. No more drinking Pepsi!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Alex's Day
Apparently Alex just blended in and got on with it and they kept forgetting that he was new as he blended so well.
He was a very happy child when we collected him, he had had a ball.
Me....I managed to get the laundry on the line to dry in the sun, get some Parents Centre work completed and spend so lovely time with Ben when he finished Kindy.
So a good day which was finished off with a Christmas picnic party at Kindy for Ben. All I can say is that Ben is very enthusiastic about his singing. He was the loudest and everyone noticed! But he had fun and that is all that matters.
What shall I do???
Unfortunately with moving to Hamilton I have not been working so they have not been going to daycare - no money, too expensive!
So I enrolled Ben at the local Kindy and he has been happily going there for 2 1/2 hours a day and having a ball. This is all free by the way.
Alex on the other hand has been driving mummy mad at home. He has got frustrated, edgy and can't sit still for longer than 5 minutes. Ok yes I know a typical 2 year old, but there was more to it. The sorrowful looks when we leave Ben at kindy and not him, him saying 'I go kindy today????' longingly looking at me.
How could a mother deprive her child any longer?
So one quick stop at Daycare at the hospital (where they are booked in for the new year after I start work) and Alex is going to daycare just one day a week for the next couple of weeks. Yes we have to pay, but it will so be worth it.
So, the big question now is - WHAT SHALL I DO with the wonderful 2 1/2 hours I have to myself with no one else around?
- I could fold laundry
- do the ironing
- clean the bathrooms
- play on the computer
- update my blog (in such desperate need of up dating)
- do the letters for Parents Centre contracts
- up date Parents Centre Web site
- chill out on the couch
All these lovely things to do in such a short amount of time.
I am sure at the end of it I will curse myself for not getting as much done as I should have, but oh to have 2 hours were no one is going to ask me for anything, I can actually get on and do something and not have to stop half way through to judge the wrestling match in the living room.
So here is to my wonderful 2 hours, may they go by slowly, may I get lots achieved and may they return my sanity to keep me going until next Thursday when it will all happen again.
Merry Christmas to myself :)
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Sudden Picnic

Quickly get more out but must have been a bad batch as that isn't much better.
Due to a committee meeting at 7, decide oh well off to Noodle Canteen for noodles and fried rice with chicken.
Steve had this wonderful idea to eat it in the park, so grab the plates and forks, he grabs the picnic blanket and we rush on out.
20 minutes later we are sat in the park eating noodles and rice and having an inpromptu picnic dinner, ok it could have been a little warmer to make it more enjoyable, but hey you can't have everything.
The boys had fun and that was the most important thing.
Saturday, December 08, 2007
I just realised that I haven't blogged for a while, I haven't even been checking out all my favorite blogs either, and so much has been happening to them as well.
So what is my excuse I hear you all cry? Well, I do have one, pretty big one too......
When I was pregnant with Ben, we did our antenatal classes through an organisation called

They run Antenatal Classes, Parenting classes and much more for new parents.
Well when Ben was 5 weeks old I joined the committee in Auckland and 4 years later I am still involved big time with Parents Centre.
Only thing is is that when I moved to Hamilton I transfered my membership, joined their committee and within 3 weeks of being here I was elected PRESIDENT of the Hamilton branch!
Told you it was big!
Yes they are in a little bit of trouble, nothing serious just lack of people to help run it, do the planning and generally have over all direction. They have had a wonderful lady called Wendy who has been doing the best she can, but limited. She is now my Vice President and between us we are going to get Hamilton Parents Centre back on track.
So unfortunately life has been Parents Centre for the last little while and I think it still will be for the next little while too.
I have lots to tell you all about what has been happening here with us. I have some cute pictures of the boys to share. So please stick around and keep checking back and I will try really hard to get something posted really soon.