Live for today, but makes sure you have fun and smile along the way. Look for the joy in everything, even if you have been there a thousand times.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
I have just spent a pleasant hour surfing the blogs. All I was doing was pressing the 'Next Blog' button at the top of the page.
Would you believe that I could only really read 1 in every 10 blogs I checked out!
Reason.....they were not in English.
Some very interesting pictures on them though! Clean not dirty pictures.
A year ago, you could blog surf and find 9 out of 10 blogs to read, suddenly they are all foreign.
Funny I don't seem to have come across any New Zealand Blogs, yet we are apparently high up there in having a blog according to the survey!
Blogging in NZ
There was an article on blogging in New Zealand. It was really quite interesting to see what they had to say.
A new study has revealed one in 13 New Zealanders has a weblog, making us the keenest bloggers out of 15 countries surveyed for a world research project.
Researchers at AUT University asked 1430 people about their internet use as part of the World internet Project, a California-run initiative that tracks how people around the world use the internet.
The survey, the first comprehensive study of New Zealanders' attitudes to the internet, found one in 10 internet users had a blog - about 8 per cent of the population.
The director of the World internet Project, Dr Jeffrey Cole, said New Zealand had the highest rate of bloggers out of any of the 15. The other country that rated highly for blogging was Japan.
Now this didn't seem that many to me, obviously it is to the researchers.
In New Zealand, people identifying as Asian were the most likely to report having a blog, with 31 per cent of Asians blogging, compared with 12 per cent of Pasifika people, 6 per cent of Pakeha and 2 per cent of Maori. Most bloggers were under the age of 30.
So I come under the 6% bracket, although I am a little concerned with the age bracket....Most bloggers were under the age of 30....seems I am not the norm??
Most internet users said the internet had increased their contact with family and friends, particularly those overseas. However 22 per cent said they now spent less face-to-face time with the family they lived with.
Of the 78 per cent of New Zealanders who use the internet:
* 66 per cent have broadband.
* 77 per cent check their email every day.
* 28 per cent use social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook.
* 25 per cent have made a friend online, and half of those have gone on to meet an online friend in person.
* 13 per cent maintain their own website.
* 10 per cent have a blog.
I honestly would have said that NZ had such a small population that we wouldn't have had much significance to that much research, but obviously I was mistaken!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
What Flower are You?
"Mischief is your middle name, but your first is friend. You are quite the prankster that loves to make other people laugh."
Not sure if that description really fits me!
Can't say I am a prankster that likes to make other people laugh, but yes friends are very important to me.
So the man that installed the curtains has left all the rails just where I want them, because for some strange reason he can see exactly what I am talking about and says that it is my house so they should be how I want them. He gets the point that all that needs to happen now is for them to take the curtains away and shorten them, oh yes, at their expense.
The lady did talk to me about where to position the rails, but I got the impression that they would sit just above the surround, not 100mm above. She just did her job and measured the windows for the curtains to sit where they routinely place the curtains, and unfortunately I don't like that.
So am I in the wrong for not saying more about where I wanted the curtains to be positioned? Or are they expected to sort the problem out because I don't like how the curtains look now they are hanging in my house? Dispite them just doing their job?
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Family Circle

A couple of years ago I subscribed to it, as I felt it was a wonderful resource for family things, funny seeing as it is called 'Family Circle'
Anyway, back in 2006 they suddenly sent me a letter informing me that Family Circle was no longer going to production and as I had a subscription with them then please enjoy the enclosed magazine instead. What ever was enclosed was crap and not worth the 2 months I had left, but hey that was life.
So imagine my surprise today when at the supermarket and I come across the 'Winter' edition of the Family Circle.

I brought the edition anyway, always good to see what they have to say or share.
It was completely full of recipes and craft ideas, lots of craft ideas, but hey that goes back to the TIME thing again.
I won't be subscribing to it, not that fantastic enough to warrent that, but nice to see it back.
Oh and while we are talking about subscriptions to magazines then I must apologize to my mum,

The magazine was being sent to me and I would then have the privilege of reading it before I put it in the post to her in Dubai.
Well it keeps arriving, but somehow never seems to make it to the post box. I think I have sent her 2 editions and I have received 5-6.
Really sorry mum, now if I could just find all the ones left to mail her, I can keep them in a nice tidy corner until she gets here in 6 weeks time.
Will give her something to do in the 10 days she is here before my wedding....don't want her to be bored now do we?!
Don't Quit
Often the goal is nearer than,
Success is failure turned inside out
- Author unknown
Monday, July 28, 2008
Family Time
When everyone has finished eating, then we all hold hands and create what has now been named our 'Family Circle'
We find different things to talk about, but the general theme for the last few times has been....
It is definitely making the boys think about what they have doing today and did they enjoy doing it.
It is a start, can't expect perfection straight away, as they get older then I am sure things will change. Like whether we will all sit down to dinner at the same time due to school committments etc.

Lala's are dummies for those that don't know, and Alex is a conniesuer on dummies.
The first thing to hit me was 'how did he get those, they are on a high shelf?'
One step in to the kitchen and there is the dining room chair pushed up against the dishwasher where he had climbed up to get them!
I took them off of him and told him that he didn't have these during the day, only at nightime when he goes to bed.
As I made lunch so he climbed up again and got all 3 down.
So I told him again that he only has them at bedtime and if he wants them, then he must be tired and to go to bed.
So he did....!
As I write this, he is upstairs laid in Ben's bed with his 3 lala's and his Barney.
And he is very happy laid there too.
Now he does still have a daytime sleep at Daycare but has not had one at home since last year!
He hasn't had that much of a busy morning, he slept till 7am today after a big day yesterday and all he has done today is have his 1/2 hour swimming lesson.
I will leave him for 30 minutes and then I will go get him, sleep or no sleep, otherwise we will still know about it at 8.30pm tonight when he is wide a wake and wanting to watch tv with us, during our mummy daddy time, and that is a definite NO!
WOW 400

It has come a little quicker than planned, although I never was planning one a day, although if I stuck to that, then my 400th post was not due until Aug 4, thus allowing me to be able to manage my goal of 366 posts this year.
That is coming along quite nicely actually, as this post announces I am well a head of my target by about 9 posts at present, but I do like to have a little leaway, so that if something happens then I don't have to worry about posting for a few days.
So yea to me for my 400th, and roll on my 500th due in about November time.......
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Persil's Fun List

Children love something that is all their own. You can give them a patch in the garden and let them decide what they would like to grow. Flowers, vegetables. Preferrably something that doesn't take too long to grow to begin with.
Mud, water, plates, spoons and a wild imagination and you have the perfect setting for serving the family any creation made.
Isn't it amazing how the simple things are making a come back in what we should be doing and encouraging our children with. The world is their oyster, let them roam and imagine.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Wedding Countdown

- Steve
- Best Man
- Father of the Bride
- Mother of the Bride
- Father of the Groom
- MC ( currently my brother)
Friday, July 25, 2008

New Blog
Ok I follow some more religiously that others.
In my favourites list on my computer I have a file called 'Blogs'. These are ones that I don't check out every day, just when I have some time to browse.
As always, these are blogs that I have come across whilst reading another blog, and have decided that I like what they are blogging about and decide to check back on them every now and then.
One such blog is Grace Violet
A wonderful blog about a crafty person, who manages to explain how she did all her crafts at the same time as showing you.
The inspiration that people seem to comment they have received from reading her posts and viewing the pictures is wonderful.
I always wanted to decoupage, I know what it is, I know sorta how to do it, but was never actually sure, yet here she has several posts all on the same thing showing you step by step what she did and how. Check out here, here, here and here for examples of how well she details things.
Perfect, my own reference manual for the future when I have that little thing called TIME to do something.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Sex in The City

I am not an avid fan of the show, although I have watched several of the series, but not all of them.
The movie was what I expected it to be. A nice recap of the individual girls before the movie and where they would potentially be now.
I found it a little slow in the middle and maybe found they stretched things out a little to far, but over all I enjoyed the show and had a great evening out.

If you haven't had chance to see this movie and you enjoyed watching the girls then it is worth seeing. It was nice to have total closure on the show.


Monday, July 21, 2008
The Wall That Was....
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Horse Training in the Future

Roush Technologies developed the buggy for horse-and-camel training equipment company Kurt Systems out of Turkey. Is this a bold new age for training super-horses or, like Ivan Drago from Rocky IV, will technological might still get trumped by an underdog horse with some heart? Roush expects the vehicle to enter production soon.

Saturday, July 19, 2008
Camera Update

Friday, July 18, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Back Update
Ok not as bad as it has been, but it is so easy to tweak it and have pain.
sitting, standing and walking for any length of time is annoying, so I am constantly on the move, because I can't stay doing the same thing for too long before I have aches and pains through my lower back.
I am still at physio, although if I have had a rough evening the day before then the day of the physio is really bad after I have been there.
I am usually in so much pain all I want to do is cry!
I can't believe I have spent all of July with this niggle of pain.
I have just under 10 weeks till I get married and all I am worried about is whether I will still be uncomfortable then.
I have made an appointment to see an Orthopaedic Surgeon as recommended, but the earliest appointment is in September, 4 days before the wedding, although I have said I will be available for a cancellation appointment if one comes up, although as I have said before, not sure what he will be able to advice me on, as it is not bone structure that is damaged, just muscular.
Oh well can't help to get it checked out, especially as I have been uncomfortable for so long this time round.
The doctor has even put me on light duties at work because workign in the theatre was agrevating my back, so no theatre scrubbing for me at the moment!
Oh to have a day of no pain.......
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Our very good friends here in Hamilton kindly looked after the boys so we could go and see the Celebrant, but then they offered to have the boys for the night as well and took them out to her parents farm. They had a ball by the way.
So did we though, and that is what part of the weekend was meant to be about, Steve and i having time together without the boys.
We actually went to the caravan for the night. Ok so not the most romantic thing to do, but it was time away from Hamilton and that is what mattered.
We did go out to dinner in the evening, although it wasn't the greatest meal we had had, but it was dinner out without the boys.
It was a lovely 24 hours, where no one kept calling out 'mum, mum' or I had to worry about the time with regards to when the next lot of food had to be sorted etc.
We even got to go in the heated adult pool at the caravan, something we hardly do as it is a little too hot for the boys to be in.
So a great weekend had by all, only 10 weeks and we will have 7 nights without the boys...!!
2 1/2 hours later we had chosen the whole service.
We had to decide on absolutely everything, whenever she is going to say something we had to chose what we wanted her to say and how.
We had to say how we would like my dad to give me away, is he going to shake Steve's hand? Just hand me over with a hug, or even just run me down the aisle saying "Here take her!"
Did we want to include all the parents in the service or just my dad?
What did we want her to say when we exchange rings, if we are exchanging them?
Are we writing our own vows or using one of the 50 she showed us, or are we adapting one of the 50?
There is so much to decide on and chose from just for a 20 minute service to get married.
It will be worth it though, as it makes the day extra special.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Heat Pump
The house is a lot warmer than it was last week and the whole feeling in the hosue is nicer.
The pump is so quiet you hardly know it is on!
As for the outside unit, well that just ticks over quietly too. If you are in the garden you don't know they have the pump on in the house.
Now all we have to do is take down a wall in the lounge and we will have a lovely large room with lots of heat.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
And I wish I could say that it is just outside! For some reason this house is so cold.
We are talking wrap up in blankets with the heat going cold. I am sat typing this at 11am and I have gloves and a wolly hat on! I don't think the temperature in this house is higher than 18c
We just don't seem to be able to get this house warm?
We have spent a fortune on electricity in the last 2 months and still have a freezing cold house!
We do have some solutions:
- Putting in a heat pump tomorrow. Hopefully this will be better than the oil fin radiator we are using.
- We are getting new curtains in most of the windows and blinds at the kitchen window. To try to keep as much heat in a possible. We have curtains up already, but they don't fit completely.
- We are thinking of getting the walls insulated with foam.
Now the last house we had did not have insulation in the walls, and we managed to heat the place with the oil fin heater.
Ok we have stairs coming off the lounge, but the upstairs is not warm either. This whole house is like a freezer. I can put meat out on the kitchen surface to defrost and it is still partly frozen 8-9 hours later.
We have a cover over the banister of the stairs to prevent all the heat from dissappearing up there, hoping it will stay in the lounge.
I love this house, just roll on spring and summer when it will be warmer.
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Kids & Cameras

Friday, July 04, 2008
Thursday, July 03, 2008