This week seems to have just disappeared from under me.....!
Steve went to Christchurch on business at the weekend, so that saw me at home single parenting from Sunday to Tuesday.
It was a good time and we had no major rows or tantrums.
Tuesday morning was a little bit of a nervous time as I started my new job that morning and I had to start work at 7.30am. Ben had to be dropped off at Before School Car, that opened at 7.30am and Alex needed to be at Daycare, again which opened at 7.30am.
So I organised to start work, on my first day!, at 7.45am so I could dump the boys prior to starting.
All went smoothly and I had an awesome first day at my new job.
I am working at a Private Day Hospital in Hamilton. Resonably new place, only been open 2 years and still only a small place, 2 theatres, but they are getting there and getting their name out there as a nice place to bring your little minor day procedures. So quite a few surgeons are giving them a try and liking what they offer. The patients seem very happy with the level of care they are receiving as well, so that makes all the difference.
The boys enjoyed going to the airport in the evening in their pyjamas to collect daddy as his plane landed. They even had a little sign that said 'Daddy'. They looked so cute.
Wednesday saw me back at work again, but I ended up there till 6pm, although when Steve came with the boys to collect me, I was in the tea room having wine with the manager and the owner, so Steve joined us, and it was really nice to get to know people. The boys thought it was awesome wandering around mummy's work checking everyone out!
Thursday saw me back at work again, I am still doing 3 days like previously, but now doing the 3 middle days of the week rather than split days. Is going to take a little bit of planning on my part with dinners and how the week runs, but hey, this was only the first week, it will get better organised!
The work was good and I even managed to get a scrub or 2 in, so really felt that I was actually doing something rather than just watching what they do from the sidelines. Need to watch from the side a little but when you have been in theatres for 15 odd years, it doesn't take you long to click right back into what needs to be done and just getting on and doing it.

So here we are today, Friday and it is my first day to stop and think all week. Although Alex and I have had lots of errands to run and loads of washing to put on.
I have been a good girl and went and had my annual mammogram today and check up with the Breast Specialist. So I have been poked, prodded and squashed all in the good name of knowing that everything seems good and clear for another year. Don't forget to go for your checks ladies, it is easy and painless for a nice peace of mind.
So here we are heading into the weekend, hoping that the weather will stay nice and pleasant.
Have a good one, smile and I will catch you after the weekend.