Live for today, but makes sure you have fun and smile along the way. Look for the joy in everything, even if you have been there a thousand times.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Swimming Update
Monday, June 29, 2009
Looking After
"Hello, I'd like some information on a patient, Mrs Tiptree. She was admitted last week with chest pains and I just want to know if her condition has deteriorated, stabilised or improved?"
"Do you know which ward she is in?"
"Yes, Medical Ward, room 5-1"
"I'll put you through to the Nurses Station"
"Hello, Medical Ward, how can I help you?"
"I would like some information on a patient, Mrs Tiptree. I was wondering if her condition had deteriorated, stabilised or improved?"
"I'll just check her notes for you.........I'm please to say that Mrs Tiptree's condition has improved. She has regained her appetite, her temperature has steadied and after some routine checks tonight, she should be well enough to go home tomorrow"
"Oh that is wonderful news, I'm so happy, thank you ever so much!"
"You seem very relieved? Are you a close friend or relative?"
"No, I'm Mrs Tiptree in room 5-1. Nobody tells you f*#k all in here!"
Sunday, June 28, 2009
New Banner
They have so much on their site at present for novice computer designers like myself.
I can do most things on the blog now, but changing html code and such likes is a little beyond me at present.
But with the help of their 'how to' section and the joys of my darling husband, we were able to get the banner looking just right for the design I have from their website.
I love it.....
Sunday Prayer
Every single evening
As I'm lying here in bed,
This tiny little Prayer
Keeps running through my head:
Wherever they may be,
Keep them warm
And safe from harm.
I wish that you could do;
Hope you don't mind me asking,
To Bless a motherboard,
But listen just a second
While I explain it to you, Lord.
Holds more than odds and ends;
Inside those small compartments
Rest so many of my friends.
I know so much about them
By the kindness that they give,
And this little scrap of metal
Takes me in to where they live.
Much the same as you.
We share in what life brings us
And from that our friendships grew.
From your duties up above,
To bless those in my address book
That's filled with so much love.
To each and every friend,
Bless each e-mail inbox
And each person who hits 'send'.
On your own Great CD-ROM,
Bless everyone who says this prayer
Sent up to GOD.Com
Bath Time
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Mad Morning
Ok mornings are like that, but this one just went!
On the days I work, I get up before anyone else as I get the bus to work. So there I was sorting out the lunches and realised that with the boys raiding the pantry for sandwiches the evening before, we didn't have much bread!
Worked out what we had enough for and realised that I was not getting any bread for my breakfast. Now I am not a breakfast person, well I am not someone who will eat breakfast as soon as they get up. I like to wait an hour or so.
So I decided that if I left the house early enough I could sneak into McDonalds and treat myself to a Sausage and Egg McMuffin before the bus arrived.
Left the house at a suitable time and consequently watched one of the buses drive straight on past! So no McDonalds for me today as I was not sure when the next bus would arrive.
Got to work, sorted the stuff I needed and casually mentioned to my colleague that I was leaving sooner to get to the school as I was going through the McD's drive thru to get breakfast. Hang free she said, there is toast etc in the kitchen. So they pushed me that way and I ended up making breakfast for 3! It was nice too.
As we left the building, so my mobile rang. It was Steve to say he couldn't find his car keys and could I please help. So after a little shuffling around, I zoomed home in another work car and rescued my husband. He took Ben to school and I rushed Alex to Daycare.
I knew the Nurse we were working with was planning on getting morning tea, so I stopped via a shop and got a nice slice to share. Thought it would go down nice as I had messed a few people around that morning.
Knew the school I was going to, but didn't account for taking the wrong turning in the fog. Hamilton has some nice back country roads, when you don't have 100% of an idea as to where you are, in the fog!
I was driving imagining the conversation I would have with them when I called to say I was lost....
"Hi, thanks for letting me run home to rescue my husband, but now I am lost in fog! Where is the school again?"
I finally managed to find the school and the rest of the day actually went ok.
I called Steve at 11am to see if he had located his keys, he said not yet, but that he thought he knew where they were.
I know he was busy that day with a guy from Auckland, so I knew not to call him too often. But at 3pm I called once again just to check about the keys. He said he would be sorting it soon.
Left it at that.
When he got home, I didn't mention it, but then I suddenly remembered and he said yes he had found his keys.
With which he then walked to his jacket that was hanging at the bottom of the stairs, where it had actually been all day as he had decided not to wear it today, and then consequently took the keys out of the pocket!
Don't you just love husbands!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Last One for June!
Thursday, June 25, 2009

- $34,453,401 NZD ($22,049,073 USD) in cash
- 2 luxury cars - An Audi R8 and a Porsche Cayenne
- $250,000 ($160,141 USD) on an American express Platinum Card
- $250,000 towards luxury travel
- A Four Winns V258 boat
- $750,000 ($480,445 USD) towards a holiday house
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
4 Yr Old
Consequently he is not a great fan of the nurse at the surgery because according to him she 'put holes in my arms!'
He even went so far as to ask if he had to ever see the nurse again? Because he said he doesn't want any more holes in his arms!
The look on his face when she put the first injection in.......if looks could kill, she was way out of here!
That made getting the second one in more of a challenge, although he was actually a fabulous little boy with the nurse and I am very proud of him.
My son, sadly does not do pain, no way at all, so this of course left him very fragile for the rest of the evening.
He didn't want a shower because his arms would get wet!
All he wanted to do was snuggle with mummy because then he would be safe.
He didn't like Grandad, who is currently staying with us, decided that Grandad needed to go home!
Didn't even want daddy because daddy was the one who suggested a shower in the first place!
Alex is the type of person who will hurt himself, cry for a while over the sore arm, leg, hand etc. He will then be fine for a while, but then several hours later will see the wound and promptly start howling again, because he remembers that he has a sore wound!
He can even work himself into a frenzy several days later.
As I said, he does not do pain!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Sour Note
Well after all the cooking I have done and the fact that dinner is taken care of, I thought I would give myself 5 minutes now.
The front page headline was "Swine Flu at School But Doors Stay Open"
So far no worries, till I read the first sentence of the article.........
"XYZ Primary School is set to remain open - despite one of its boys yesterday becoming one of the latest cases of swine flu."
Oh %&#*! really glad I got the paper this weekend because that is actually my sons school.
So a quick yell to Ben to see if he has any notes from school for us?
No he says, but then you never can quite trust a 51/2 yr old.
So a quick search of his bag and low and behold, there is a note from the local Public Health Dept informing us of the situation.
I am not altogether that worried, I know that there is nothing to jump up and down about. They have the case under control.
They have informed us on the day they discovered the results, which was yesterday (Friday) and it is obvious that the boy is not in Ben's class because it mentions that we would have received further notice if he was in the actual class.
But, hey, am I glad I bought the weekend paper today!
I did the weekly shop first thing this morning, whilst all the boys in the house got their hair cut.
Unfortunately the weekly shop came to way more than I expected, so I won't be doing that again in a hurry, although I am still not sure what I exactly brought that
Once home, I have managed to do 2 loads of laundry and get it blowing on the line in the winter sunshine.
Make up dinner for tonight in the slow cooker. Man I love the slow cooker, the feeling I get at about 3pm when I realise that dinner is sorted and I don't have to start worrying about "what shall we have for dinner tonight?"
Make up a huge batch of chilli, that eventually portioned down into 5 servings, that can go in the freezer for future use when I need something to get out for dinner and I don't know what to have!
Used up the old bananas, by making a wonderful banana cake, which the recipe actually ends up making 2 loaf tin size cakes, so will share one with the neighbours.
And even managed to solve my Mum's computer problem.
So all in all a great day. Maybe tomorrow I will sit around all day in my pyjamas reading the newspaper and my book!
Friday, June 19, 2009
And Another One!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I love the little feet resting on the hard drive!
Such concentration
We are actually beginning to realise that one day we will actually have to have more than 1 computer in the house!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Swine Flu
Unfortunately I sometimes feel it has been taken a little too far!
People die from Influenza every year, or at least they die from complications due to Influenza.
Influenza is catching, you can get the flu from someone who has it, yes, if at work someone is coughing and sneezing, you can catch it, they may have the flu, and bingo, so could you have it a few days later.
This is how it has been for many years now. Medical professions are aware of this and that is one reason why they try so hard to have an active Flu Injection available each year. Because they know that Flu can kill. Or at least people who develope the flu are susceptable to further compications.
If next year everyone who had the flu was to report it to the Ministry of Health, there would be a major out cry, but we no longer really keep a tally on the amount of people who die each year from the flu.
Suddenly we have people panicking over Swine Flu, when at present it is showing no more symptoms in people than the ordinary everyday flu. And the other funny thing about is exactly like the flu.
Alex's daycare has just sent a message home about Swine Flu. Seems that they will turn people away who have any flu like symptoms.
Such as:
- fever
- cough
- sore throat
- runny nose
- stuffy nose
- headache
Alex is home today as it is not a day he goes to daycare, he has a snuffy nose. A typical childhood cold that he no doubt caught from one of the other little kids at daycare, or even from his brother, who caught it from school. I have a snuffly nose too, have had for about 2 weeks now, again typical thing I have in the winter months.
So does this mean that suddenly we should stay home till the symptoms disappear? So far I would have been off work for 2 weeks.
Yes we need to stop this spreading, but how do you stop a cold spreading?
There has been, apparently, 1 death in England. But what they don't tell you, is that even though the person was H1N1 positive, they haven't actually said that that is what they died of! They may have died from Pnuemonia, which could have been a complication of having the flu, but because they were positive then it must make the media.
As you may be able to tell, this bugs me a little. I don't want anyone to die from Swine Flu, yes I will do all I can to assist in it not spreading, but to start telling people that if you have a cold to stay home until the symptoms have disappeared, well then New Zealand may as well shut up shop for 7 days, everyone stay home, do not socialise with family and friends, do not pass go, do not get $200 and don't dream of breathing!
A vaccine is required, and yes I know they are working on one. There will be pandomonia when it is released. They had better have enough because I think the uptake on it will be huge and it will not go down well to have the medical company come forward and say 'sorry, we just don't have enough!' People will want it when it is available, so lets hope there is enough.
Day Off
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Dummy Update
The first night was a little rough. Alex was restless before he fell asleep, he was so use to having his dummy to switch off with.
So he was very clingy and wanted me to stay with him. Once he was a sleep there were no problems. He didn't even ask for it the next morning when he woke, all he asked for was juice!
Last night, he went to bed and never even mentioned it, almost as if he had totally forgotten that they ever exsisited. He got his juice from the kitchen counter and just hopped up into bed for a story with never a word mentioned.
Tonight was exactly the same....!
We are now a dummy free house! Man that was too easy!
Parents Centre

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Another Birthday
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Insulin Update
How nice.
At least that way as well they have history of the drugs he is on and then they will know him.
Here is a conversation Steve and I have already had by 9am on a Saturday morning!
Steve: Oh I seem to be out of my long acting insulin!
Me: Well we better call the pharmacy and see what time they are open today!
Steve: I don't think they are open on a Saturday...!
Me: Well I will try.
Quick call to the pharmacy and discovered that indeed they are not open on a Saturday morning. So the conversation continues....
Me: Well you will have to go to the local Accident and Medical Clinic and see the doctor and get a prescription for the drug you need?
Steve: It's ok, I will be fine!
Me: What?? Till Monday?
Steve: Yes
Me: Well you just call you Dad when you have a hypo at 3am!
His Dad is currently staying with us, but he is almost 80 and is blind. So actually of no help what so ever at 3am.
Now I don't want to take responsibility for this. It is Steve's illness, he is a big boy, he can deal with all of this himself. BUT I am the one that will have to deal with this in the middle of the night when he has a hypo!
I am happy to remind him about the fact his drugs are about to run out, but again he is a big boy and can do it himself.
But for now, he has no long acting insulin and probably won't have any until Monday when I collect his script, which is a little too far away for my liking!
Consequently, Steve has just walked into the study and read this blog as I am writing it! I guess now he understands where I am coming from and has agreed to go to the local Clinic and Pharmacy to see what he can get.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Birthday Party
And I have already decided this and they are still so young!
So we decided that we would celebrate their first 5 birthdays, they will then get to have a small gathering for their 6th as this will be the first birthday they will get to celebrate with school friends and then that is it until 10, then 15, 18 & 21. For all the ones inbetween they will be allowed to invite 3 or 4 friends from school to come home to dinner or out to a restaurant or an outing of some kind etc. We will have a cake but there will be no big party with goody bags and games every year.
So this year we
It was awesome.
I paid for the little ones and their mum's to get in and then we got to go round 2 of the kid friendly exhibites and have cake and juice in a room the museum supplied for us. They also, free of charge, provided a nice young man called 'Scott' to
Everyone had an awesome time and the kids loved it. Yea for other places to hold birthday parties.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Alex's 4th Birthday
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Air France
Nobody likes to ever think about an areoplane coming down, because lets face it....people take planes everyday, some even commute on them daily to work and think nothing of it.
We get on with life and tend to get blaize about the fact it won't ever crash.
If we do think about it, then it is only for a couple of days that we worry 'it might happen to me?' and then life just slips back to normal.
Today I read the newspaper and saw a story about the crash. It was listing people who had sadly lost their lives on the plane and what they had been doing in Brazil and why they were on the plane.
You had the couple who were on holiday, the scientist and his wife who were doing research, someone who had won the trip in an office contest and even a group of doctors who were taking a well earned break. But what really hit home to me and really shivered down through my emotions was the 11yr old boy who was flying back (on his own) to England to go back for the next term of Boarding School.
I went to Boarding School for 6 years in England and at the time my parents lived in several places around the world, in fact at least 40% of the kids at the school travelled by themselves to far away countries to spend time with their parents. That to us was life.
Now I think back to that time and realise just how lucky we were, we never had the headmaster have to tell us someone was not returning from so far away place due to a plane crash. I never once in all the time travelling with my younger brother thought about the worst thing to happen. I just got on the plane, put my headphones on, listening to the radio and waited for what ever
My heart goes out to those families, waiting in Paris for the flight that is never coming home.
It is everyones worst nightmare, and they now have to live it. I do so hope they are able to find the flight recorders to assit with the recovery for these families. It will be a mammoth task but here's hoping.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Old Pictures
Me at 20 in 1990
Me in 1994, I was about 23.
See, I can clean up nice when I have to!
Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Monday, June 01, 2009
Queen's Birthday
In the car yesterday on the way back from the Birthday Parties in Rotorua, Ben heard on the radio that it was Queen's Birthday Weekend.
Now we have 2 more Birthday parties next weekend and 1 the weekend after.
So this charming little 5 year old piped up and casually asked "so are we going to the Queen's birthday party as well?'
Steve and I were wetting ourselves with laughter over this, just so Ben and just so cute.
We think the Queen would have quite a birthday party with Ben there to talk to her!
Busy Time
Ok I may be slacker now than when I was younger, but I do at least try and remember Birthdays for the people that are very important, like family & close friends and Christmas cards for people I manage to get in touch with once a year.
Now I know once a year is not good enough, but that is how life goes. We usually live in a different country and so therefore have absolutely no idea what the others life is like.
I am getting in touch a lot more with people's day to day activities through the likes of Facebook and email.
I use to write letters all the time when I was younger, but that seems to have stopped in this day, email is the way to go.
I can not believe that we get annoyed with people and feel they are out of touch if we are unable to reach them by email or mobile phone!
So I am in the middle of one of my busy periods when it comes to keeping in touch.
I have 17 birthdays in 4 weeks, all family and friends, but all ones that I HAVE to remember.
- May 28 - Andy and Sam (2 very dear friends)
- May 29 - Best Friends Daughter Eleanor, who is my son Alex's best friend
- May 30 - My father's (was 65 this year) and my nephew Harvey (was 5 this year)
- June 2 - Olga, my niece, 1 of my Aunties and a friends Daughter
- June 4 - My son Alex and my Cousin Malc
- June 6 - My nieces son Peter
- June 7 - My nephew Gareth (married to Olga)
- June 14 - My Father in Law John (turns 80 this year) and my brother in law Ken
- June18 - My niece Sarah
- June 19 - Another Aunty
- June 26 - My nephew Joshua
Add to this I have 4 more in July, 2 in August and 5 in September then this time of the year is manic for birthdays.
BUT I love it......!