Here are the highs n lows......
We started the year in a new town, having just moved to Hamilton a couple of weeks before hand.
In January we went to Auckland to watch a 'Police Concert'
Ben and Alex started at Daycare here as I returned to work.
In March Steve proposed to me and I accepted.
At Easter we were lucky enough to have our new caravan all ready and we spent some wonderful long weekends there since. I am so looking forward to spending time there in the sun over Christmas this year.
Alex turned 4 at the beginnning of June.
In June we went to Auckland to see the stage show 'Priscilla Queen of the Desert'
Throughout winter time I had many trips to Rotorua to sort my wedding dress out whilst it was being made, organise the wedding and get the invitations out.
Throughout July and August I spent time at Physio trying to get my back sorted, I so didn't want to be limping down the aisle!
At the beginning of September Ben had his 5th Birthday and started school.
Saturday 20th September, Steve and I got married on a beautiful day in Hamilton at the Hamilton Gardens in front of all our families and friends.
We then had a lovely honeymoon in Tahiti.
At the end of October, sadly my parents split after 44 years together, very amicable and friendly. Although they are trying to work through things and maybe look at giving it a try. I mean after 44 yrs together, maybe there is something there to look at and not just totally walk away from?
In November I changed jobs, whilst also continuely looking for a new job.
Just before Christmas Alex had his last day at his current Daycare, we did not like it, and we have found a lovely new one close to home and he will start there in January after the holidays.
Ben finished his first full term at school and he is loving it. He has grown so much in the last few months since starting school.
3 days before Christmas my dad got diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. Low grade but still serious. The treatment plan has a 90% success rate. In simple terms this was all diagnosed from a simple blood test, something that all men should be having at their Doctor's, but more on this in another post.
So all in all a very happy and sad year.
All the best for 2009

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