My best friend at the time on my course was a girl called Rachel. Sadly she never finished the course, got pregnant and married, as some people do. She is still married, has 4 kids and I have just got back in touch with her via Facebook!
Anyway, her religon is LDS (Mormons) and she had loads of friends all our age in the town. Seeing as I do not smoke or drink I fitted in with this group very well.
In fact I am still in touch with some of them to this day. So my time in Wolverhampton was extremely enjoyable with a lot of people my age with roughly the same out look on life.
I never became a Mormon, but I attended church very regularly (I decided that even though I wasn't a member of the church I was sure he didn't worry where you went to church, just the nice fact that you did go to church), in fact I probably became their most active non member they had ever had! In fact it got to the point where I was teaching the Missionaries a thing or too, but I drove each new greenie mad with frustration because each one would get to know me and you could see it in their eyes that they thought they would be the one who would manage to convince me to become baptised!
I attended a lot of functions, I went to about 15 weddings in 4 years, I joined a lot of Firesides on a Sunday evening and I regularly went to Home Group on a Thursday evening.
Here I learnt a lot of home making tips, food storage was one of the many, in fact it was the one thing that has stuck with me.
It now means that my pantry is always a little bit more stocked than it should be, but you can always find something to more or less make something with. I always seem to have that extra can of tomatoes, extra can of beans etc.
So I came across this wonderful sites the other day, whilst checking out WFMW, and I thoroughly enjoyed them.
Read a few posts and decided that I was going to have to a) blog about them b) place it on my favorites list and c) maybe even place a link on my side bar.
So go over and check out what they have to say. Lots of talk about using slow cookers, tinned food that keeps, which you can usually find on cheap specials in the grocery store, and other ways to help keep the grocery budget down.
If I ever come across any really great ideas from there then I will let you know about them.
1 comment:
I stumbled across your blog when I was doing some food storage research.
That's great that you are starting up a food storage. It's a great idea for everyone to do it, not just LDS people.
Good luck with your food storage!
Hannah @
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