We had already realised about a week ago that Ben was going to require a new bike this Christmas. Not that we were bothered by it, just another thing for us to get done for Christmas.
We have had Grandma staying with us this week and on one of the days she was here we let Ben ride his bike to Kindy, whilst doing this it became apparent that Ben really needed that bike now.
So wonderful Grandma stepped in and said they would buy him one for Christmas, only thing was what to get Alex, but the more we looked at Ben's old bike the more we realised it wasn't suitable for Alex, so the solution was both have new bikes.
So today Grandma took them both shopping for new bikes for Birthday/Christmas and because she will not be here after Christmas as she will be back in Dubai, she decided they could have them straight away because then she got to enjoy them with them. Plus they are still small enough to not know too much about Christmas yet. (my how that will all change sooner than we think!)
Alex on his new bike, which is a little big at present but give him a month or two and there will be no problem. This bike even has a push pole at the back that allows you to push the bike with him on it, wonderful thing about it is that the pole also controls the handle bars, so you can steer when pushing him!
Ben on his smart 2nd bike, his leg muscles will be strong in no time. He is having a ball on this bike.
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