Alex found this amusing as grandad likes to sleep, so he had a companion to sleep with.
We went over to my brother's house on Christmas eve and had a pleasant evening there getting sorted for the big day with 4 kids, 3 being under 4 yrs old!

Considering the weather was on our side and it was gloriously sunny outside then it was a great Christmas.

Rotorua is known for its sulpher and geothermal adventures, hot air coming up out of the ground. One part of the Government gardens takes you down to the lake where the water is cloudy. Looks like someone has emptied powder into the water. Really crazy to look at especially as the water running into the lake is clear!

Grandma had already declared she was cooking the dinner on the day so about 5pm we all sat down to a full cooked dinner.
This was significant as this was the first time in about 15 years that my brother, myself and our parents had had Christmas together, and now we had some extra hanger ons to add to the equation. Claire, Iain's wife and their 2 boys and of course Steve and our 2 boys. So 10 of us for dinner was lovely.
My cousin's came, with some of their families and gatecrashed at about 6pm and we all had a fab time gossiping and playing cricket. The wine was flowing and a great time was had by all.
We decided for New Year that we would actually come home and have a quiet time here with some friends. So we spent the weekend prior over in Rotorua with Grandma and Grandad so the boys got some more time with them before they fly out this weekend back to Dubai.
It was lovely to see the boys interact with their grandparents. We went for walks so the boys could show off their new bikes. We played at the park and looked at the lake and we wandered around the Government Gardens.

So the new year has begun, life seems a little boring now and I really must get those decorations down as they really look out of place now, although I know the house will look bare for a short while afterwards, but hey, there is always next year, only 350 odd days to go!
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