I currently have writen down that I have completed 7/100 on my blog, but I have gone through the lsit and I think this may have crept up by 1 or 2.
So here is an update:
#6 Baby sitting for no reason - I 'baby sat' or more like 'babies sat' for a friend one Saturday afternoon with her twin 6 month old boys. She was attempting to watch 3 soccer games throughout the day and had been out of the house since 9am with the twins. It was cold and so I offered to take them home and look after them until she has finished all the games she needed to watch for her other 2 sons.
It was a challenge to feed to both babies at once but I got myself nicely set up in the armchair, 1 baby each side and a bottle in each hand, not sure what I would have done if one of them wanted to move! Completed
#19 Go to a Sunday Market - everytime I see the sign advertising the Farmers Market not far from us then I think of this challenge but as yet I have not remembered to go and visit it with the family. What I need to do is actually mark it on the calendar and then I will remember to get the family organised to go to it.
Note to self - place on calendar when get home from work tonight!
#22 Teach someone a new craft - my cousin has asked me to teach her to quilt. I have accepted this challenge and will be assisting her one Wednesday. We were waiting until I had finished study for the year and for her to finish the job she is currently completing. So this challenge is not completed but is planned ready to go.
#23 Dessert only dinner with friends - this was achieved with a group of mum's from school, 4 of us went out one evening for coffee and dessert and believe me a full chocolate dessert plate is beyond dreams, especially as the restaurant had half price desserts on the night we went, it made obtaining a dessert plate each so much more easier. Completed
#39 Watch the clouds with your kids - never managed to achieve this on a blanket but on the drive to the caravan the other day the kids and I happily looked for shapes in the sky. We say dolphins, rabbits, ships and many other shapes that kept them amuzed on the drive over. Completed
#49 Spend an hour in silence - this was easily achieved when the family took themselves off to the caravan for the weekend so mummy could get her latest essay completed. They left Friday and returned Sunday, so I had hours of silence to myself. Completed
#65 Get old magazines, find pictures you like and stick them in a book - I have some great magazines and have found some lovely stuff I like, I just haven't sat and cut it all out yet, or glued it in or commented on why I like it. So half way there, maybe now I have finished my study for the year I can use 1 of my Wednesdays to complete this.
#68 Learn something new - this one can be quite liberal, I have learnt the art of mail art, although not sure if that was too easy a subject as not difficult to do, however I have just changed jobs and I am learning all about the business side of running a hospital, so am in learning overload at present, but I have also just completed my essay on law and ethics within nursing and that was also a steep learning curve. So I am saying I have completed this one and learnt lots recently. Completed
#89 Take baking to an appointment - I haven't done this yet but I ahve a Doctor's appointment next week and a hairdressers appointment 2 weeks later, so just need to plan it.
#91 Surprise your kids with a day off school - now I have done this with one of them although I am trying to remember if I did it with the other as well, sadly we did not have fun days planned just a day at home with mum. Although thye are both going to have 2 days off school in a few weeks doing lots of fun stuff when we fly to Nelson. We don't normally plan activites where they take days of school for it, so this trip to Nelson is going to be such fun.
#92 Organise a night away with you husband - this was achieved a few weeks ago when we went to Rotorua for a Family Anniversary party, the boys stayed with Grandma and we snuck off to a hotel for the night. It was well deserved. Completed
#96 Buy a song off the internet and sing it loud - I brought the Bruno Mars album from Digirama and it is on my phone, this last weekend at the caravan it was the only music we had and the boys sang it with me loud and clear all weekend. Completed
So there you have it, another 7 completed. My total is now up to 14/100. Still not a fabulous amount but I will try and work on it

Sounds like a fun list!
Alison xx
Well done - it is really tough to get them done in a year, you have to pretty much do 2 a week. So long as you are enjoying the process and feeling more creative then it must be a success!
Mmmmm! your going to be busy to even think about all you hope to do... and I though I was the busy one.
hugs Mum
WOW you are doing so well and you've completed some of the ones I still haven't done ;'(
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