It is addictive sometimes.
You go to one blog, they mention something about another blog, you are interested so open that blog in another tab, then you follow something they mentioned that was to do with the first blog you went to and suddenly you are 4 blogs down and can't quite remember what it was you were looking at that was so interesting!
I have just been checking out this blog Rocking Chair Reflections and came across this post she wrote about life after her husband had passed (he passed 4 yrs prior to her writing this post). It is not sad in fact it had me laughing so much I had to read it out to my husband.
If you want a giggle for 2 minutes then click on over to here and read for yourself.
I can well imagine that sadly anyone who has lost someone obviously goes through this at one time or another. Even 4-5 yrs later!

I have come to have a 'nose' at your Blog, after you left a question about Pass the Book on looks like just the kind of blog I enjoy, so I shall become a follower....also, I can't believe you live in Hamilton- my sister lives in TE Awamatu, which, I believe, is very close to you! The book is with Deb at 'Deb's World'.
Alison xx
Hello - I left an answer, can you believe it, on my own comment page. Sigh. It is too early and my head is rugbied out! About Flat Princess. And thank you so much for this post. There are days.......!
I will be back to explore once I have had a gallon of coffee and found the specs. Oh, and well done, NZ!
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