Sunday, October 20, 2013

Work Reunion

10 years, oh my, is it really 10 years?
Must be we have a 10 year old!

10 years ago Auckland Hospital moved to a new building and we were there, well I was on maternity leave but I knew it was happening!
So much has happened since then.

A reunion was called for and we gladly attended this past weekend.
Lovely to catch up with people you knew and find out what everyone is doing.
Amusing to hear people comment on how big the boys have got! Like they still expected them to be babes in arms!

Quick tour of the operating theatres was called for even though we have been there many times and I did actually work there for a few weeks at one stage!
But the boys enjoyed dressing up in protective clothing so we could go inside the theatres.

well maybe not everyone was impressed with getting dressed up!
but others made up for it with their enthusiasm!
They enjoyed seeing inside a theatre, talking non stop about what took place in there etc.
Although think we may have sparked some career ideas for them....?

budding surgeons in the making?
Better start that college fund really soon!


Alison said...

That sounds like a good day...and it looks as though your son cheered up when he actually got into the OR!
Alison xx

Bron said...

Sounds much better than a high school reunion...looks like the boys had fun. xx

alexa said...

This looks like a really educational experience as well as a nice time for you too :). Not many young gentlemen this age will have had the chance to dress up in scrubs!