Thursday, April 16, 2009

For a Reason

I am a firm believer in things happening for a reason.
It was meant to be as far as I am concerned.
Ok I haven't quite found the reasons behind the really bad stuff like death, destruction and war, but there has to be a reason somewhere?
If you go for a job, then if it was meant to be yours then it will be, but if not then someone had a better plan for you.

Sadly my brother has just lost his job. I kinda wish it wasn't meant to be but it is that typical saying "when one door closes another one opens" well that seems to be just what is happening with him.
He had a big talk with our dad last night and already several little options have come to light, now ok, nothing may come of either thing but it gives him hope. It allows him time to think things through sensibly.
He has already thought about a different direction, something that flows on from some things he is already doing on a part time basis as a hobby. So even though it is not nice, maybe this was meant to be, this was the push he needed to change direction.

When he moved to New Zealand just over 18 months ago, it was on the understanding that I sponsored him for his visa and this meant he was not allowed to claim benefit from the Goverment for the first 2 years.
Well now he is unemployed guess who has to support him!? Well at least according to the Goverment.
Maybe I will send him a food parcel at the weekend, isn't that enough support? 1 a month for the next 6 months should see him through nicely?

1 comment:

Needled Mom said...

I wish him the best of luck with the opening doors. It is a tough time to loose a job.

One care package a month will definitely put him on a diet!!!!