Friday, June 04, 2010

Baby is 5

Ok, could someone please tell me where the years have gone??

My baby turns 5 today and all of a sudden he is off to school

My cute little blond headed boy is full of beans and so excited to be turning 5.

I remember the day he was born like it was yesterday, does that ever fade? Not that I particularly want to forget it, it was a great day.
He has been ready for the birthday for weeks now, or more to the point he has been ready for what this birthday represents SCHOOL.
He is so eager, he has had 2 successful school visits and each time he has wanted to know if he can go back the next day!
He is actually allowed to go to school today if he wants because he is now 5, but I knew with it being a Friday that Daycare would really be upset if he didn't come in today, plus with it being a long weekend a head of us, I decided he could wait till next week when I have a few days off for him to start school.

So Happy Birthday Alex, hope you love school as much as you think you will.

1 comment:

Needled Mom said...

What a cutie. Happy birthday to him. My 3rd baby was 37 yesterday and I still remember the day as clear as a bell!