Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Challenges

As promised my 'Challenge' page is now up and running.
Yes today is my 40th Birthday and so my 100 challenges have begun

Click over here to find out all about what I have set myself to achieve or just click on the 'challenge' page at the top of my blog.

Should make for an interesting first year of being in my 40's

Happy Birthday to me,
Happy Birthday to me,
Happy Birthday to meeee,
Happy Birthday to me......


tartankiwi said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you find lots of fulfilment in the challenges that you have set yourself. I have only been setting myself bloggy challenges for a month now and already I am getting lots and lots of personal reward out of it. I have made new friendships, strengthened old friendships and made lots of cool things. I hope you achieve the same.

Kimara said...

Happy birthday! I am hoping you will inspire me to get out of my blogging slump.