Thursday, February 26, 2009

Cat Update

I decided today to go and check up on the SPCA.
Thought I would go over and see if 1) the 2 little ones I liked had gone for their surgery and 2) to see if there were any others available?

Good job I did.
Turns out the 2 little ones I liked had been sorted the day before and were now immediately available.
And the lady had even felt sorry for me so she placed the little tabby one as Not Available, hoping that I would return soon, even though I wasn't planning on returning until Friday at 1pm when I thought they would be ready!

The tortoise one had just been adopted as I got there but our little tabby was waiting for me.
I didn't actually know what to say to her, especially after the conversation on Tuesday!

So we have a new member to our family. We really want 2 new members but they had nothing else available at the time. Maybe next week.
She is about 10 weeks old and very snuggly.
She doesn't have a name yet, we are working on that one, although Alex has taken to calling her 'Barnie'!

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