Saturday, June 20, 2009


Today has been very productive for me.
I did the weekly shop first thing this morning, whilst all the boys in the house got their hair cut.
Unfortunately the weekly shop came to way more than I expected, so I won't be doing that again in a hurry, although I am still not sure what I exactly brought that was so expensive sent it up so high!
Once home, I have managed to do 2 loads of laundry and get it blowing on the line in the winter sunshine.
Make up dinner for tonight in the slow cooker. Man I love the slow cooker, the feeling I get at about 3pm when I realise that dinner is sorted and I don't have to start worrying about "what shall we have for dinner tonight?"
Make up a huge batch of chilli, that eventually portioned down into 5 servings, that can go in the freezer for future use when I need something to get out for dinner and I don't know what to have!
Used up the old bananas, by making a wonderful banana cake, which the recipe actually ends up making 2 loaf tin size cakes, so will share one with the neighbours.

And even managed to solve my Mum's computer problem.

So all in all a great day. Maybe tomorrow I will sit around all day in my pyjamas reading the newspaper and my book!

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