Saturday, November 26, 2011

Spring and Summer

I love spring and summer. I love the feeling of relaxation, the lift in spirit and the endless days of warmth and sunshine.
I love the flowers and colours of this time, the start of life and coming together of friends to sit around and enjoy.
I love the cool colourful clothes people wear, not afraid to just throw on a shirt and shorts with flip flops, grab the sunnies and you are ready for the sun.
The lounging by the water, splashing and cooling in the endless summer days.

The colours at this time are glorious, the flowers are out, the trees are blooming and the vibrant pinks, yellows and whites are everywhere.
Wait a little while longer and you gain the darker pinks of summer, the greens and blues, some reds and oranges mixed in too.

Although come to think about it I love all the colours of the seasons, they all have their magical power on you setting the mood for the time of year you are currently in.

Spring and summer to me is open doors and windows, long cool drinks and laundry blowing on the line.

In the winter the laundry has to dry in the house or in the drier, you feel like you are living under a laundry cloud! Everywhere you turn you fall over washing racks, things drying in the warm air of the heating or sending the electricity bill sky high when you need to get the smalls dried in the drier.

At this time of year the laundry finally gets relegated to the garage, where it can hang on the inside line (husband kindly put a line up in the roof of the garage) and dry in the natural heat of the room from the sun, or blow on the line in the gentle breeze with sun shinning. Clothes feel and smell fresh from the air, you can dry things in hours and it is especially nice when you have a 6 year old who is no longer wearing night time nappies but has the odd accident. Sheets and protector washed first thing and dry by lunch ready to go back on the bed, all smelling fresh and warm from the sun.

So summer does it for me, I am a spring summer person and I love to feel warm and relaxed.

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