Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Kelly Tarltons

The boys Daycare have been doing an under water theme for the the term and so decided to take the older children to Auckland to Kelly Tarltons which is an underwater experience place with penguins and fish.
Unfortunately they went on a day that the boys were not attending daycare so if we wanted to join them we had to drive up seperately.

We decided to do this and also asked our friends Wendy and Eleanor to join us for the day.
So we had a road trip with 2 adults and 3 children, what fun!
We actually had a great day out. The kids were great in the car on the long drive north and they had a blast at Kelly Tarltons, they loved the sting ray and walking in the tunnel to see all the fish.
We even saw them diving in the tank and cleaning it out. The kids thought it was great to see someone in there!

Kelly Tarltons was built over 10 years ago under ground. They made a huge fish tank and then placed a tunnel through it so the fish are all swimming around you as you walk through. There is also an antarctic experience all about Scott Base and real live penguins in their own special built area.

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