Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Cat Training

How do you train a cat??

We have placed a cat door in the garage because ultimately the cats will be outside during the day and also have somewhere dry when we go away over night etc.
The cat door is in situ but now we have to get the silly things to actually use it.

We have shown them the door several times, we have pushed them through it and also enticed them out of it.
We have shut up all the garage so the only way out is via the cat door but alas they must be too stupid to come through it!
They quite happily sit in the garage and stay there.

Ok we have only done this for an hour or so, so not sure what will happen if we left them there all day and then they decided they needed to wee etc.
Probably find we would come home to a mess in the garage somewhere.

So if any of you have any wonderful ideas on how to teach a cat to use a cat flap, then much appreciate a few pointers!


John said...

I love cats, but I have found that I like them better outside. We had an old cat that would get "stuck" in the garage for the day or hide in there for the night. The "mess" was always compounded when we backed the van out and the tires went...well, you get the picture.
I was scrolling through your blog and your music streamer started. I don't think I have ever found anyone that listened to or even knew who Chris deBurg was till now. Mare and I used to have three of his albums. Makes me want to get some discs and get them on the MP3. Borderline is a great song.

John said...

If you have some neighbors with a nice dog maybe that would give the cat some friendly persuasion to go into the garage through it. Cats built in self preservation tactics usually train them pretty fast.