Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Amount of 10 Things

On the 10th day of the month, every month, friends over here always blog about 10 things.

Usually they have to do with her scrapbooking, but as I am not yet a scrapbooker, then I will just write 10 things about what ever is happening at the moment.

So here are my 10 things for this month.....(I know I am a day late!)
  1. the amount of days until Alex goes to stay with Grandma on his own.
  2. the amount of weeks the kids are off school for the holidays.
  3. the amount of times I should go to the gym each week, but sadly don't always make!
  4. the amount of mums at the girls night we had last week that had us laughing and crying so much.
  5. the amount of days we are going to the caravan for, for Labour weekend at the end of next week.
  6. the amount of stitches we took out of the cat last night following her surgery 2 weeks ago.
  7. the amount of hours sleep I would love to get each night if I wasn't woken by my husband snoring!
  8. the amount of days since I started my new job, which is going well by the way.
  9. the amount of minutes I have left to get this post completed, posted and get to my next meeting seeing as I am writing this at work!
  10. the amount of kilos I would love to loose, if I ever really put my mind to it and decided to do something about.
Hope this enlightened you a little
Catch you next time


Alison said...

Great list...mine wasn't about scrapping either!
Alison xx

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Clever list :o) Mine wasn't about scrapping either!!