Friday, April 06, 2012

F is for Favourite Sites

Do you have any favourite sites you are visiting at present.
Sites that are not part of the A to Z Challenge?
Sites that you are following and love catching up with everyday?

I think all fellow bloggers will admit to one or 2 sites that they regularly check up on, it is after all the nature of blogging.

Over the years my sites have changed. I guess we move with the times.
I do have a page on my blog especially for my Blogging Buddies and I was quite surprised the other day when I took a look to see how up to date it is to realise that there are some on there that I have actuially stopped following!

Owlhaven - she writes about the sane woman's guide to raising a large family. Her 10 children, 4 natural and 6 adopted. She writes about money saving tips etc and what the family are up to.

McNulty Quads - Welcome to quadville, how life is going with 4 at once

365 Photos - she gives out a word each day and you show a picture of your interpretation of it. I have to admit that I am not taking place in this, but it is fun to see what words are coming up each day!

A few others I am following are all to do with cross stitching, them showing what they have currently made. I am trying to get back into my stitching so love gaining inspiration from these lovely ladies when they do a show and tell session.

I love following blogs, especially when you take a random moment to check out people that site is following to see what other wonders you can find to view.

Happy Blog Surfing all.

1 comment:

Claire Hennessy said...

Oh I love new blogs I haven't heard of ... like meeting you :)